Friday, August 24, 2007

So you are Planning to Travel

..OK, so you are planning to travel abroad, will it be as a consumer or an insider.
Most people do not know of any other way but as a consumer, but there is a way, those that use it reap benefits just by doing what you are planning to do, would you like to know how.
Here is the answer, the other way, the Insider's way.-- Picture this,,You own your own Online Travel Store where you can book your own Vacations, Car Rentals, Hotel Accommodations, Flights, etc,,etc,,etc, not only that but your friends and family can go to your Travel Store and book their Vacations, Car Rentals,,etc,,etc,,etc, and for this you receive a commission on the booking sale.
Here is where the deal really gets sweet,, As an Insider you get to write off your expenses as a tax deduction,, Just looking at this aspect alone actually pays you back the cost of starting your business plus more if you travel a lot.

I know, I know, you want to make money and lots of it, you have all those friends/ relatives in the back of your head that you would like to help if you could and I commend you for that but here it is, you can make a lot of money with this business just by helping a few of the people you know benefit from having an Online Travel Store as you do and giving them a hand helping with the people they know.

I will not get into the detail on this as there are two presentations that explain it a lot much better than I ever would..



Now if after viewing these presentations you feel that this is something you wish to be involved with you can at,,,

Also take a look at my Travel Portal,,,

Open the links in the Header one by one and see for yourself what is available, you will be amazed...

For more Information my email address is on my website.

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