Friday, August 31, 2007

YTB Travel Business Home Based Online Travel Agency

YTB Travel Business Home Based Online Travel Agency

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Description: YTB Travel Business brings you the perfect opportunity to transform your life through combining the fun of travel with the speed of the Internet, multiplied by the power of referral marketing to provide YOU with the ultimate home-based business solution. YTB Travel Business is taking the industry by storm!!

By combining an advantage-rich, home-based business (built around the Internet) with an extremely lucrative (and copyrighted) compensation plan, YTB has become "The Choice" for thousands of opportunity seekers. In today's marketplace, myriads of companies seek your time and attention, each claiming that their opportunity is the best.

By combining the powerful information handling capability of the Internet with the world's most dynamic product (TRAVEL) and the personal touch of independent, home-based business people, YTB has joined these three trends together in a flawless combination. The Internet is opening the doors to the riches of travel as never before. By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques we can show you how to leverage your time to generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Planning a worry-free family vacation

Summer time means only one thing to most people: vacation. Summer fun means going to the beach or spending time with relatives overseas. Many enjoy traveling during summer because of the good weather and the time-off that they get from working hard. However, taking vacations can also turn out to be another form of “work.” All the preparations needed to go on a vacation can become so taxing. From packing the bags to getting the kids to join, to making hotel reservations and preparing a doable itinerary --- the minute details of going on a vacation can take a toll on even the most eager vacationers.
In planning for the perfect family vacation, all members of the family should be made to take part in the planning. A lot of stress and anxiety involved in going to vacations stem from the fact that not all members of the family agree on the time, destination or activities to be done during the vacation. It is also wise to check the family budget to see what possible places they can go to depending on their budget.

Anxiety can also be felt during a vacation when expectations are not met or when unscheduled changes take place. A million problems can occur and turn that dream vacation into a nightmare. A delayed flight, or lost baggage, or having a conked out air-conditioning unit in the hotel room can be a real drag.

More anxiety can ruin a vacation when the parents lose a sense of control over their children. Just imagine a parent losing sight of a toddler in a crowded beach, or suddenly finding out that your child was left behind during the last stop of the tourist bus.

An even more serious source of anxiety is not having control over one's environment. Remember all the tourists who almost lost their lives while visiting New Orleans? Or the number of families who perished during the tsunami that hit Thailand in 2004?

Taking time off with the family should be absolutely free of stress and anxiety. Vacations should be fun and full of laughter. At the same time, it is important to accept is impossible to avoid stress and anxiety during a vacation because of the simple reason that we cannot control every single facet of our lives.

So, what can we do to make our vacations truly worry-free?

One easy step to take is to talk to a travel agent. Another option to consider is to buy a travel guide book. Travel guide books contain lots of information about the place that you want to visit. From the book, you may be able to read about the culture, beliefs, interesting places to visit, and the usual “Do's and Dont's.”

If reading a book is not your thing, surfing the Net may be the next best thing. Websites of resorts and other destinations can provide information and pictures --- all useful in planning that trip.

So next time, make sure you consider all options on how to make your vacation planning worry-free. is a reputable online drug store. From sexual health to a woman's health, sleeping aids to weight loss pills, our online pharmacy offers convenient customer access to various health medicines, including an array of health product and medicare prescription drug. Buy Tramadol

Friday, August 24, 2007

So you are Planning to Travel

..OK, so you are planning to travel abroad, will it be as a consumer or an insider.
Most people do not know of any other way but as a consumer, but there is a way, those that use it reap benefits just by doing what you are planning to do, would you like to know how.
Here is the answer, the other way, the Insider's way.-- Picture this,,You own your own Online Travel Store where you can book your own Vacations, Car Rentals, Hotel Accommodations, Flights, etc,,etc,,etc, not only that but your friends and family can go to your Travel Store and book their Vacations, Car Rentals,,etc,,etc,,etc, and for this you receive a commission on the booking sale.
Here is where the deal really gets sweet,, As an Insider you get to write off your expenses as a tax deduction,, Just looking at this aspect alone actually pays you back the cost of starting your business plus more if you travel a lot.

I know, I know, you want to make money and lots of it, you have all those friends/ relatives in the back of your head that you would like to help if you could and I commend you for that but here it is, you can make a lot of money with this business just by helping a few of the people you know benefit from having an Online Travel Store as you do and giving them a hand helping with the people they know.

I will not get into the detail on this as there are two presentations that explain it a lot much better than I ever would..



Now if after viewing these presentations you feel that this is something you wish to be involved with you can at,,,

Also take a look at my Travel Portal,,,

Open the links in the Header one by one and see for yourself what is available, you will be amazed...

For more Information my email address is on my website.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Awesome Baby

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Are you ready for changing your lifestyle? Do you have money, time and health to enjoy vacation?

I ask you question. Do you like vacation? If your answer is "NO", don't read this article. This information is for people who are serious to enjoy vacation.
Then, do you have time to enjoy vacation? Do you have money to travel around the world? Do you have health to be able to go around the world. You need 3 things to enjoy vacation
1. Money 2 Time 3 Health
But how many percentage of people have 3 things? The survey shows that only 1% of population have 3 things. Did this fact disappoint you? But you are luck to find this worth information to solve those problems!
I will show you How to own your life!
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to "Own Your Life?" This is what we think it means to "Own Your Life:"
When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, working time and things you have to do each and every day of your life, most people don't have more than one to two hours a day to do what they would like to do - and then, would they have the money to do it? We have discovered a way a person can learn how to "Own Their Life" by building a home-based business, and we have a system for doing it that is so simple anyone can do it! It doesn't require selling, and the best part is it won't take much of your time. If you are interested, continue browsing this lens and click the link below to fill out a brief survey for more information.
Eight (8) Reasons to Own Your Life Every 11 seconds a home-based business is started in the United States
1. Help eliminate debt. 2. Spend more time with your family. 3. Add more to your retirement savings. 4. Take a longer vacation. 5. Help save for a rainy day. 6. Pay off your mortgage quicker. 7. Be a stay-at-home mom or allow your spouse to stay at home. 8. Earn additional money to help you buy the car or home of your dreams.
Are you ready to do something that will make a difference in your life?
We're here to help you! We have the plan, and the steps are all laid out. It's not a big secret. We know where you want to go, and if you follow the plan, you will succeed!
Are You Ready for Change? If this is the lifestyle you want, how are you going to get there from where you are today?
We will show you step-by-step how to successfully begin and operate your own profitable home-based business, and take control of your life and your future! Finally, making money from home is within your reach!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I am not a part of this, I'm not making any money by selling anything related to this.

I just want you all to visit this site and see this movie, called 212 degrees.

It is very short.

I challenge each of you to watch this and think about the things in your life and your job or your own business that are your "Why"s (why you get up in the morning, why you do what you do, etc).

This had quite an impact on me.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Learn How You Can Turn Your Vacations into PAYCATIONS...

The Four Trends that Will Change Your Life Forever!

Economists have identified four principal trends that could mean significant growth for your annual income.

Trend One: Travel is an industry that is just realizing its remarkable potential in the marketplace. The industry pulls approximately $1.3 trillion annually in the U.S. alone and almost $7 trillion worldwide, making it the fastest growing industry in the world. It is growing 23% faster than the global economy. With such growth, a boom is on the horizon. In fact, travel is expected to double to $14 trillion worldwide in the next 10 years. Of that economy, tourism accounts for almost 11 percent of all consumer spending worldwide. Travel spending alone averages $1.4 billion PER DAY, that’s $59 million per hour.

Trend Two: Baby boomers - the generation born between 1946 and 1964 - have a huge effect on trends and opportunity and will have a huge effect on the travel industry. There are nearly one billion baby boomers worldwide and the first of them are turning 60. These 60-year-olds are facing retirement, which occurs at a rate of one person per eight seconds for the next 20 years. And what will these newly retired baby boomers do when they retire? Travel, of course.

Trend Three: Every three seconds a new person goes online. Consumers are already spending billions on the internet, and travel is the fastest-growing segment of that trend. While five years ago, people primarily made small purchases only, today people have become comfortable buying things such as cars, homes, and of course travel, online. Consumers use the Internet to become better informed, save time, and save money and booking of travel online is perhaps the most successful niche of all the world’s e-commerce efforts. Use of the Internet to book travel continues to increase, with more than 80 million Americans booking online travel each year. The majority (83%) of online consumers are using the Internet to do at least half of all their travel booking.

Trend Four: Statistics show that small and home-based businesses are the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. economy. Home-Based travel sellers are the fastest-growing segment of the travel agency community. Statistics say that 74% of all individuals who have acquired huge wealth, have done it by being self-employed business owners. When surveyed, 96% of people between the ages of 25 and 44 said they wanted to have their own business, but they just didn’t know how to get started! With large and mid-sized companies downsizing and outsourcing, corporate America offers little promise for job security. That's why people are turning to home-based businesses as a high performance vehicle that can take them into the future along with big time earnings and tax advantages.


YTB brings you the perfect opportunity to transform your life through combining the fun of travel with the speed of the Internet, multiplied by the power of home-based business and referral marketing to provide YOU with the ultimate home-based business solution. YTB is taking the world by storm!! By combining an advantage-rich, home-based business (built around the Internet) with an extremely lucrative (and copyrighted) compensation plan, YTB has become "The Choice" for thousands of opportunity seekers.

In today's marketplace, myriads of companies seek your time and attention, each claiming that their opportunity is the best. By combining the powerful information handling capability of the Internet with the world’s most dynamic product (TRAVEL) and the personal touch of independent, home-based business people, YTB has joined these three trends together in a flawless combination. The Internet is opening the doors to the riches of travel as never before. By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques we can show you how to leverage your time to generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

"My grandchildren's grandchildren will be able to enjoy what YTB has done for us." - R. Head

Most everyone knows that “The best way to succeed is to find out where people are going and to get there before the masses do!” That is the extreme significance of trends. If we can place ourselves or better yet position “ourselves” on the leading edge of these trends; our future can change dramatically! The forecast is clear. Those that position themselves to take advantage of the four fastest growing trends will change their financial future forever.

YTB now offers YOU the ultimate leverage to start your own home-based business by combining the powerful e-commerce and information handling capabilities of the Internet with the world’s most dynamic product (TRAVEL) and the personal touch of independent, home-based business people and the positioning to take advantage of the baby boomers.

YTB has joined these trends together in a complete flawless combination. By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques we can show you how to leverage your time to generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can easily be part of this!!!

For More Information please click title.

Time for a Pay-cation

I know we're setup to discuss details of a home-based business and what it can do for you, and I will get to that.. but since my business revolves around exciting and exotic travel and vacationing it's hard to separate the fun from the business, and trust me that's a good thing!

For instance, there's no feeling quite like it...The day you leave work knowing that for the next week you will be away with your family on vacation.

Imagine, just the thought of going has kept your spirits up ever since you began planning the details of the trip over six months ago.

And when you head out the door from work there is a hop in your step as you head home to finish packing.
Of course, the feeling you have when you load up the car and head for the airport is unmistakable. After all, the shorts you haven't worn for four months are neatly packed in the suitcase right next to the unopened bottle of suntan lotion.

And when you arrive to the sun drenched beaches you had been dreaming about for months and feel the sand between your toes, the warm sun on your face, you have but only one thing to say.


Excuse me for indulging, but when you enjoy traveling as much as I do, it's hard to resist! As you may know from previous emails our company Billion Dollar Travel Network is in the vacation business and we market our deeply discounted vacations through individuals like you, and for that matter me.

It does not require any previous experience and the possibilities are endless. Just imagine going on more vacations—nicer vacations— and getting paid to do it!
(We call these "paycations.") What would it be like to actually look forward to coming home from vacation because you love your work so much?

Imagine what it would be like to accrue no debt while taking your vacation! If you love travel and/or you would like to explore the potential of getting your very own business off the ground with the help of successful people then I encourage you to take the next step.

-- Visit my web site and then pick up the phone and call me to get details.

In just a few short minutes I can show you how you can start taking the quality vacations you deserve at prices you will love and a simple business you can call your own.

Please click Title for more Information.

Everyone loves to TRAVEL and everyone loves to save money!

Everyone loves to TRAVEL and everyone loves to save money!

Travel is the world's largest, fastest-growing industry, currently at $7 TRILLION each year and growing 23% faster than the global economy.

Travel is expected to double to $14 TRILLION by the end of the decade.

The average North American spends $3,000 each year on vacations.

Tourism accounts for 10.9% of all consumer spending worldwide.

Travel spending alone averages $1.4 billion per day, that's $59 million per hour.

Now you can turn this powerful industry into your own home-based business. On top of it all, everyone loves to travel, everyone loves to save money, and everyone loves to make money!

Get Your Share of a $7 Trillion Industry!

Big trips, small trips, three day getaways, 14 day exotic adventures, trips by land, sea, or air, you name it... that is why TRAVEL is a $7 TRILLION a year industry and growing everyday.

But the industry is changing. Your most successful travel agencies are no longer the "brick and mortar" buildings of the past, but the "click and portal" agencies of the future. YTB is capitalizing on this paradigm shift and we invite you to come with us as we change the way the world travels!

YTB Travel is one of the leading providers of travel services, Our leading edge travel portal, YTB Travel is changing the future of travel.

YTB Travel Network offers a lucrative business opportunity for individuals who want to get involved in the travel industry.

**Save Money On A Lifetime Of Travel

**Earn Exciting Cash Commission For Helping Others Succeed

**Retire Early With Ongoing Monthly Residual Income

**YTB + you - it's good business.

**Make The Income That You Deserve!

If you could replace your income by working a few hours a week and eventually leave your 40, 50 or even 60 hour per week job, would you do it?

YTB has quickly proved to be an extremely profitable business for those who joined. It is automated, it is fast and it is simple... Not to mention FUN!

If you have the desire to build something special for you and your family, then YTB is the company for you. You owe it to yourself to do your due diligence on this one.

That's Right! You can have your own "Online Travel Business" offering real products and services you can be proud of! Each of us is looking for a business opportunity which is fun, which is rewarding and which is growing. Travel is the business that has an ever expanding group of leisure travelers and it's expected to grow at a rate significantly greater than what the economy is today.

You Travel and the People you know Travel.

Why give that business away... When it could be YOURS!

Joining our program - you will receive the following benefits:

**Personalized YTB Travel Web Site

**Travel Savings Discounts

**Travel Agent Basic Training - Free 24/7 Training

**Travel Agent Residual Commission Program

**Earn 60% of the Commission from Travel Bookings, Sales & more

**Special "Company" Training seminars in exotic locations!

**You Set Your Own Hours - You Work From Home - It's that Simple!

Not only can you earn up to 60% of all the Travel commissions booked through your site, but learn how to take advantage of industry perks. Your very own ONLINE TRAVEL AGENCY could help you see the world for less!

You get paid to play and paid to take vacations. In fact, my family and I no longer go on vacation. We go on PAYCATION!

YTB Travel Network offers a lucrative business opportunity for individuals who want to get involved in the travel industry.

More Information Can Be Had By Clicking The Title.

From Vacation To Paycation

If you were able to start your own business in a multi trillion dollar industry, using a multi-billion dollar system, and offer services and products that people WANT and already buy, would you start it?

If others turn to you and ASK for your products the moment you tell them what your business was, wouldn't that be the product you want to sell?

If you could make money even when you aren't working - while sleeping, while eating and while on vacation, wouldn't you want to be in that business?

If you could earn even MORE money by helping others succeed at doing what you are doing, wouldn't you want to help as many people as you could?

If you could do all of that for a $450.00 initial investment and a $50 monthly fee, wouldn't that seem MORE than reasonable, wouldn't you hurry up and join?

Well I said YES!!!! to all of that back in May of this year and it has been one amazing journey since then - even though I'm currently doing this part time!

I invite you to find out about me, my business and the opportunity to get yourself out of the rat race and away from those companies that work you into an early grave and don't care a thing about you or your loyalty.

The company I am with is YTB Travel Network. I have my very own online travel website and I sell travel. I work to continuously learn about the products I sell and the destinations I specialize in, but I also have the ability to show others the tools they need to be successful in the very business industry that I am in.

If you ever wanted to start your own business, then look at my website. whether you join me or not, I'll challenge you to find your way into creating your own destiny. Because we SAY we want it, does not mean we will get it, success comes to those who work for it, see you at the top.

For More Information please click title.

4 Amazing Trends that will Turn Your Vacations...Into Paycations!

The Four Trends that Will Change Your Life Forever!

Economists have identified four principal trends that could mean significant growth for your annual income.

Trend One: Travel is an industry that is just realizing its remarkable potential in the marketplace. The industry pulls approximately $1.3 trillion annually in the U.S. alone and almost $7 trillion worldwide, making it the fastest growing industry in the world. It is growing 23% faster than the global economy. With such growth, a boom is on the horizon. In fact, travel is expected to double to $14 trillion worldwide in the next 10 years. Of that economy, tourism accounts for almost 11 percent of all consumer spending worldwide. Travel spending alone averages $1.4 billion PER DAY, that’s $59 million per hour.

Trend Two: Baby boomers - the generation born between 1946 and 1964 - have a huge effect on trends and opportunity and will have a huge effect on the travel industry. There are nearly one billion baby boomers worldwide and the first of them are turning 60. These 60-year-olds are facing retirement, which occurs at a rate of one person per eight seconds for the next 20 years. And what will these newly retired baby boomers do when they retire? Travel, of course.

Trend Three: Every three seconds a new person goes online. Consumers are already spending billions on the internet, and travel is the fastest-growing segment of that trend. While five years ago, people primarily made small purchases only, today people have become comfortable buying things such as cars, homes, and of course travel, online. Consumers use the Internet to become better informed, save time, and save money and booking of travel online is perhaps the most successful niche of all the world’s e-commerce efforts. Use of the Internet to book travel continues to increase, with more than 80 million Americans booking online travel each year. The majority (83%) of online consumers are using the Internet to do at least half of all their travel booking.

Trend Four: Statistics show that small and home-based businesses are the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. economy. Home-Based travel sellers are the fastest-growing segment of the travel agency community. Statistics say that 74% of all individuals who have acquired huge wealth, have done it by being self-employed business owners. When surveyed, 96% of people between the ages of 25 and 44 said they wanted to have their own business, but they just didn’t know how to get started! With large and mid-sized companies downsizing and outsourcing, corporate America offers little promise for job security. That's why people are turning to home-based businesses as a high performance vehicle that can take them into the future along with big time earnings and tax advantages.


YTB brings you the perfect opportunity to transform your life through combining the fun of travel with the speed of the Internet, multiplied by the power of home-based business and referral marketing to provide YOU with the ultimate home-based business solution. YTB is taking the world by storm!! By combining an advantage-rich, home-based business (built around the Internet) with an extremely lucrative (and copyrighted) compensation plan, YTB has become "The Choice" for thousands of opportunity seekers.

In today's marketplace, myriads of companies seek your time and attention, each claiming that their opportunity is the best. By combining the powerful information handling capability of the Internet with the world’s most dynamic product (TRAVEL) and the personal touch of independent, home-based business people, YTB has joined these three trends together in a flawless combination. The Internet is opening the doors to the riches of travel as never before. By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques we can show you how to leverage your time to generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

"My grandchildren's grandchildren will be able to enjoy what YTB has done for us." - R. Head

Most everyone knows that “The best way to succeed is to find out where people are going and to get there before the masses do!” That is the extreme significance of trends. If we can place ourselves or better yet position “ourselves” on the leading edge of these trends; our future can change dramatically! The forecast is clear. Those that position themselves to take advantage of the four fastest growing trends will change their financial future forever.

YTB now offers YOU the ultimate leverage to start your own home-based business by combining the powerful e-commerce and information handling capabilities of the Internet with the world’s most dynamic product (TRAVEL) and the personal touch of independent, home-based business people and the positioning to take advantage of the baby boomers.

YTB has joined these trends together in a complete flawless combination. By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques we can show you how to leverage your time to generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can easily be part of this!!!

Please click the Title for more information.

How do I do that, Vacations To Paycations.

Your Travel Biz" brings you the perfect opportunity! Combine the fun of travel, the convenience of the Internet, and the power of relationship marketing, and you have the ultimate home-based business solution. YTB is taking the travel-industry by storm!

By combining a home-based business in a $7 Trillion Industry, with an extremely lucrative compensation plan, YTB has become "The Choice" for thousands who aspire to enjoy the tax-advantages of home-based business with the fun of travel. We will show you how to turn your next vacation into a "paycation," as well as to benefit financially by sharing this business with others!

By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques we can show you how to leverage your time to generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Click Title for more Information.